NUPAS-National Unplanned Pregnancy Advisory Service

Patients can now self-refer to NUPAS for Termination of Pregnancy by calling on
0333 004 6666
NUPAS Locations: Have centres across South London including Twickenham, Battersea, Surbiton and Woolwich as well as other centres across Greater London.
Opening Day/Hours: Our service is 24 hours and offers Telephone Consultations Mon – Sun 8am to 8pm with minimal wait times including a same day service.
Our services include:
· Choice of consultation type – Telephone or Face to Face
· Early Medical Abortion to 10 weeks gestation in clinic or 9+6 weeks Pills by Post
· Surgical Abortion to 23+6 weeks gestation
· Aftercare Call line operates 24/7/ 365 days per year
Please visit for further information